Info about SAM-Chat


If you have not been here before you first need to register. (No cookies or other rubbish will be stored on your computer!)
Some hints to register:

Email address: Enter a valid e-mail Address
Callsign (max 16 chars): You can either enter a callsign (hams) or nickname here e.g. PA1SIX, Karl-Heinz, SAM-Felsbg

Don't use a too long call/nickname, no more than 10 character
Password (between 4 and 16 chars): enter a password , 4 to 16 characters long
Confirm password: repeat the password
Grid Locator (Full 6-char Grid): Enter your IARU Locator e.g. JO41RD The locator ist calculated from your geographic location. It originates from ham radio. The Locator can be calculated here
First Name: Enter your first name At each chatline the nickname (or call) and name are displayed. E.g, you use call "SAM" and name "John" the chatline will show "SAM John"
Last Name: Enter your last name
Font Size: A fontsize can be choosen, 10 pt is default.(can be changed later too)

To the SAM-Chat